Hand weaving is a signature characteristic of the Old Hickory brand and is a long-standing tradition of our company. We use many of the same techniques today that were used back in the 1890s. Not only is our furniture still hand woven at our factory, but we also offer a diverse set of weaving options for our chairs, settees and many other furniture pieces. One of our more recent additions is the "antique" stain on many of the woven options, which adds a more vintage look to the weave. Below, you can follow a historical timeline of Old Hickory's involvement in weaving and the choices we offer today.

Based on the timeline, it is clear that there are a variety of options and styles to choose from and each material has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses. For example, natural weaves are more susceptible to breaking or cracking than synthetic weaves, especially in dry climates and high altitudes. Yet, this is not a flaw or defect, but a representation of character and the natural aging process. For older products that have experienced some breakage, we offer repair kits with instructions for customers to fix it themselves or you can send it directly to us to repair. To find out more information about the art of weaving, visit our friends at www.silverriverchairs.com. They provide incredible insight over the process and even offer workshops to teach caning skills or can reweave a product if they have spare time.
Options and Finishes: www.oldhickory.com/options-finishes